bad bad leroy brown

Here is my before picture. I'm almost embarrassed to show you this. But I will. Because we're friends. And because you know I didn't pick it out this way, but rather purchased it this way, because that's the way it was. And also because you know there is an after coming -- and that it is good. Real good. And also, so I can link up to parties. Because who doesn't like a good party?

So brace yourself. Here it comes.
Bad bad bad before:

Wow. It's hard to believe I lived in that for as long as I did. Ick.

Ok, so I realize it's not terrible. But it's not really lovely or the sort of place you dream about coming home to either. {Surely you can admit that.}

If you want a sneak peek of the transformation, there is a teaser here, here, and here. Ok, so really those are all linked to the same post. It's just that I am really that excited about the after. It is finally finished today. I can hardly believe how giddy I am about the results. And how much I love my hubband for going along with my ideas even though he thought it was fine the way it was.

Make Your List :: Check it Twice!

Halloween is the eight week mark to Christmas.

I'll wait. I know you need to catch your breath.

It's a super busy time of year. Let me tell you a story about my friend. She is married. She has a full time job, goes to school part time, has a four year old, is seven months pregnant, is in a wedding this weekend, is buying and building a house, and is all around spectacular and amazing in an every sort of way kind of gal. I love her. On top of all that, Christmas is coming. Right before she has a beautiful baby girl in January, and right after the amazing shower we are hosting for her in November. {More on that soon!}

Most of us lead lives like this. We hike from one end of town to the other, dropping off children, picking up dry cleaning, grocery shopping, soccer practicing, cooking, cleaning, hosting, driving, occasionally sleeping.

This first item in our Help for the Holidays series is really important:

Make a List

{then check it twice ... and twice again}

Start with your holiday shopping. Make a list of everyone you're going to buy for. Even if that list consists of yourself and your mom, make that list. Keep it handy, because I'm almost willing to bet money that you'll forget someone. You know, your brother's latest girlfriend ... or that lady that grampa takes to bingo every Thursday ... or that "female gift" you must take to the office party for White Elephant ... or your lovely and talented blogging friend who is helping you with your holidays.

I actually make more than one list. I do the shopping for my little nuclear family {from me and the hubs} as well as the grandparent shopping {everything to everyone from the matriarch and patriarch of my mother's family}. It's daunting to shop for the same people with different budgets multiple times from different people -- while trying to please everyone and keep my sanity. {But I love it.} So I use both sides of one piece of paper. {I also use bright paper so I can find it December 18 when it's crumpled and erased and hiding in the bottom of my bag.}

Then make you some columns. Mine are ideas, purchase info, and misc. When I have ideas for my little cousin (like a family fun pack) I write enough detail in the idea section, where to purchase in that section, and then any other misc info like if something needs personalized or to be picked up later, shipping confirmation, etc. Once it's wrapped, I cross it off. Don't black it out, just simply cross it off. Or draw boxes if that's your thing. Here, just let me show you.

Don't forget to put everybody on your list. People you work for, you work with, the guy who carries your ozarka bottle up those three flights of stairs every two days, your hair dresser, kids' bus driver, etc. You know, if you want to do a little something special for them. {Don't panic. We're not buying things for all those people. That's another post. Just add them to your list.}

Important things to remember about your list:
1. Do not stress about the number of people on your list.
2. Do not stress about forgetting someone. We'll take care of that.
3. Do not stress about your list looking super cute. It just needs to be functional.
4. Dear Rebecca, this one's for you.

bedroom boredom

Before you go all crazy thinking about things you shouldn't, that's not exactly what I meant by the title. That said, I have been bored lately by my bedroom. I bought this Ralph Lauren textured paint on a whim one day to paint just the protruding part of my pantry. I did. And I loved it. It's this fabulous rust color {adirondack maybe?} with the little black spots that look like pepper. I loved it so much, that I convinced my friend to repaint my bedroom with it while my hubband was out of town. I had different bedding then, but everybody loved it, even my hubband. {More on that story later...}

Fast forward about two years, more or less. Right before our baby arrived, I decided to do some sprucing. If I was going to be at home all day, I was going to like what I was looking at! Currently, our bedroom looks like this:

I've always disliked the furniture. Hubband purchased that before me. Boo. It's very nice furniture, it's just not my style.

I bought a new duvet cover and curtains from Ikea, as well as the two decorative pillows that were moved from elsewhere in the house. The room is bright and fun and welcoming?? Well, that's how I feel. But that's not really the feeling I want when I go in to the master. You know what I mean? I feel like the room is perfect for guests. Great! We'll just move out all the stuff into the guest --- oh wait, we don't have a guest room.

This leads me to my current dilemma. I'm willing to admit I'm probably going to need to repaint the bedroom {and coordinating bathroom, ick} but I'm having a really hard time deciding where to go now. Enter the inspiration pictures, please.

from pottery barn

the set of something's gotta give

silver, mercury glass, white enamel birds, and moss
from my own collections

I still like the idea of something bright-ish, but want the ability for more masculine and possible sexiness {can I say that on my blog?} and just a touch of glamour and sass. I'm drawing a blank on the wall color. Maybe cream, gray, perfect taupe {half gray, half tan} ... or the lightest silver-gray-blue? Perhaps the feeling of a warm and fuzzy fall ... but without all that color?

I also want to be able to keep the curtains and duvet. I know I'm asking a lot. But they are less than six months old. Would it be fun to switch them in for spring and summer and put something else up for fall and winter? I do like switching. See what I mean about dilemma? I'm saving up for a new bed. And new furniture. But I don't know if I want a black bed, an iron bed, or an upholstered headboard. And I might consider a four poster or a canopy. I am more decisive about the furniture. Oh good, I've got something going for me. What about you -- any ideas for me?

door do-over

I hate to admit it. But I am forced to. Well, I was. I had an ugly front door. Ok, maybe it wasn't so terrible. I'm sure someone out there in blogland likes this door. In fact, someone somewhere is scrimping and saving to get this very door for their lovely home. This door is just not me. And it's not our house.

Not to be completely negative. There are some good things. I like the paneling on the bottom and all the glass in the door and the pretty transom. It lets in lots of light. And...wait, that's it. My not-so-favorite parts include the color and the fun "Texas Star" in the center of the glass. And the terrible lack of landscaping. Another post. Moving on. And the house numbers that basically blend in and become completely invisible when people are looking for your house.

Time to take charge. Paint the front door. Paint it black! Paint the whole house! Paint the whole house black! {Sometimes, doesn't a project turn out so well that you want to do it everywhere? Yeah. Don't worry, I didn't paint the whole house black.}

Ok, actually, someone else painted it. In fact, I had the whole house painted. But look, it's already much better in black! Now...what to do about that star?

I find that if I hang a wreat
Now to take on that address issue. I had thought about putting some shiny new numbers somewhere near the front door. Or a sign that read, "This is it, Stupid" for people who get confused when I tell them we live on the corner. How hard is that people? Anyway. Numbers. I thought about it. And then I stumbled upon My Sweet Savannah's blog and saw her fancy numbers and knew that was the way to go. I called up my friend and Uppercase Living consultant and ordered up some numbers. fall wreath and it's f
ienUppercase Living consultant and ordered up some numbers.

Yep. You can definitely see that from the street. And it matches the trim. And I feel fancy when I drive up and see my pretty new house with my pretty new door and my pretty new numbers. I do think we need a shiny new handle and knob and maybe a kick plate. But all the knobs and handles in our whole house are that rubbed bronze. Would it look weird if the front (and then both back doors) all of a sudden didn't match? I need opinions here.

I'll reveal the whole new look of our house soon. I'm starting on the landscaping this week!

I'm linking up to DIY Day at ASPTL even though I only did part of this myself. But hey, I had the ideas. And I called the painter. And I even picked out the colors. And I did the numbers and wreath all by myself. Partial credit, right? drive up and see my pretty new house with my pretty new door and my pretty new numbers. I do think we need a shiny new handle and knob and maybe a kick plate. But all the knobs and handles in our whole house are that rubbed bronze. Would it look weird if the front (and then both back doors) all of a sudden didn't match? I need opinions here.

I'll reveal the whole new look of our house soon. I'm starting on the landscaping this week!(Finally! After only three and a half years of waiting.)

I'm linking up to DIY Day at ASPTL even though I only did part of this myself. But hey, I had the ideas. And I called the painter. And I even picked out the colors. And I did the numbers and wreath all by myself. Partial credit, right?

Exciting News

So I went to Canton. And for those of you in this southernish area, you know why that is exciting.

And here is a sneak peek of my favorite new find.

All marvelous and chippy. And lead-filled I'm sure.

Once it's up, I'll have some lovely show and tell post.

And you'll all be jealous.

No really. You will.
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